Aahhh. In the Church with a lot of beautiful christians.
Sunshine (organ) music ohh and the ohh yeah.
And the song is dedicated to everybody. To Laci, Peti and Sanyi you know.
One more Bible verse Lacikám?
One more Bible verse Lacikám.
One more Bible verse Lacikám?
I feel good guilty. I feel really guilty.
You know what i mean.
Nothing wrong Tiszteletes Úr.
Vidd már innét azt a harmóniumot, egyházadó csekket! Yeah.
Hi baby! I would like to say something to you like you know...I'm from the Church.
I'm from the Church. Yeah, I'm from the Church you know.
Yeah, I'm from the Church.
You know Jézus, bűn, templom.
And what about the fenntartói járulék?
You know what I'm talking about?
Are you guilty? If you are guilty I'm happy.
But please, call me simply Mr. Believer.
Please, call me simply Mr. Believer. Mr.Believer.